The postpartum phase, often referred to as the "fourth trimester," is a significant period in a new mother's life. OK. This is a gross understatement.  You've just been hit by the baby train. And all those great happy hormones that were coursing through your body during pregnancy have been flushed out. Your body hurts from childbirth, your milk coming in, and you're not sleeping at all. It's so overwhelming, and the last thing you probably can imagine is...

Don’t drink coffee! Certain foods will increase your milk supply. You need to drink milk to produce milk. Vegan mothers can’t breastfeed.  Always avoid peanuts and other foods that cause allergies. There are so many more myths out there about breastfeeding and diet. They do more to scare new mothers than support them during this very challenging time.  Another big myth: breastfeeding is easy. Breastfeeding takes planning and support, and ideally, a healthy balanced diet. Today, we want to discuss breastfeeding lore,...

It's summer. It's hot. And you're hungry. Healing after having a baby requires a nutrition plan to ensure vegetarian and vegan moms get the nutrients they need. Postpartum vegetarians and vegans have similar nutrient needs as their non-vegetarian counterparts, but they may need to pay closer attention to certain nutrients that are more commonly found in animal-based foods. Some of the key nutrient needs for postpartum vegetarians and vegans include: Protein: Adequate protein intake is...

The American Academy of Pediatrics and CDC recommend breastfeeding exclusively for six months, then a diet of breastfeeding and complementary foods for up to two years; however, less than 25% of women in the United States feed exclusively for those first six months. Let us be the first to say it: breastfeeding is not easy. It takes time and planning, and in a world where we've been used to go-go-go, new moms feel like they...

In May we celebrate mothers! It’s a month of cards and flowers and brunches. It’s a month where new moms are probably feeling equal parts grateful and overwhelmed. But so many women come to us when they’re getting ready to have their babies (or after) and ask, “How do I nourish my body postpartum?” New mothers need a lot of extra love and nourishment. These initial days, weeks, even months, after baby arrives take a lot...

Congratulations on your new addition! That first week can feel like a century while you're dealing with postpartum healing, caring for a baby, managing hormone fluctuations, learning how to breastfeed, and trying to deal with all the people who are calling and visiting and more. By creating a meal plan for this week ahead of time, cooking and organizing what you can before baby comes, the last thing you'll have to deal with is wondering...

Breastfeeding can be intimidating and breastfeeding nutrition even moreso. Most women are so tired during those first few weeks, eating a balanced diet seems as realistic as aliens invading. They can’t imagine being able to maintain a healthy diet while breastfeeding. Others have concerns about how their own nutritional needs may impact the quality and quantity of their breast milk. Some women may worry that certain foods or beverages they consume could cause their baby...

All this preparation and now your baby is here. And it's hard. New parents, especially moms, can feel everything from love and joy to being completely overwhelmed and terrified. (Greeting card companies usually skip over the latter feelings!) In 2011, August was declared National Breastfeeding Month (NBM) to support breastfeeding as a “public health imperative.” The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of a baby’s life ( There are many health...

May is the month to celebrate motherhood, focusing on prenatal and postpartum care, mindful eating, and energizing foods. However, many new mothers tend to forget to take care of themselves as they shift their attention to the baby. This phase can be challenging, and mothers may experience exhaustion, baby blues, pains in body parts they didn't know existed, hormonal changes, and more. Here are six nutrition tips to stay healthy postpartum: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink...

“What a cruel scheme to keep a woman from knowing her power. To put the focus on what pregnancy did to her body rather than focus on what her perfect body just did. Here we sit, creating and nourishing the future, and we are diminished to “baby weight.” I will not succumb to your demeaning ideals.” – Amethyst Joy This quote so resonated with us when we read it the other day. A close friend is...