6 Postpartum Nutrition Tips from Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

May is the month to celebrate motherhood, focusing on prenatal and postpartum care, mindful eating, and energizing foods. However, many new mothers tend to forget to take care of themselves as they shift their attention to the baby. This phase can be challenging, and mothers may experience exhaustion, baby blues, pains in body parts they didn’t know existed, hormonal changes, and more. Here are six nutrition tips to stay healthy postpartum:

  1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, keep water near you while breastfeeding, and add citric fruits to your water to mix things up.
  2. Save time and energy by buying prepared foods from food services and stock up on precut fruits and vegetables. Quick snacks like yogurt dips, avocados, and sandwiches can also be excellent options.
  3. Think ahead and make easy-to-freeze meals before the baby arrives, such as turkey chili, pasta sauce, and hearty soups.
  4. Instead of focusing on losing pregnancy weight, focus on eating healthy, nourishing foods, and getting enough calories, especially if you’re breastfeeding.
  5. Make sure your diet includes lean protein like chicken, eggs, and seafood low in mercury, and healthy fats like nuts, avocados, and high-fat fish.
  6. Include high-fiber, whole-grain carbs in your diet, such as steel oats, quinoa, and barley, along with fruits and vegetables.

Don’t forget to eat on schedule and treat yourself to healthy alternatives and a little indulgence. Taking care of yourself is essential, especially when taking care of a new baby.

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by Dayne M. Kurtz, LMSW, CPT